General Management Scheme
The Green Edge consortium will be coordinated by Takuvik members Marcel Babin and Marie-Hélène Forget, asssisted by Debra Christiansen-Stowe. A steering committee will be created to complete the coordination team. It will include leaders of the different work packages: WP2: M.-N. Houssais and C.J. Mundy; WP3: L. Fortier and L. Stemmann; WP4: E. Devred and S. Bélanger; WP5: G. Massé and J. Giraudeau; WP6: V. Le Fouest and L. Mémery; WP7: M. Therrien and J. Sansoulet. The Steering committee will meet at least every third month and more often when necessary, by visioconference, to maintain and fully optimize the coherence among the different work packages. The entire Green Edge consortium will meet once a year.
Deliverables: Annual progress reports, annual plenary and steering committee meetings.Data Policy and Management
Our data policy will follow the guidelines of International Polar Year (IPY) and IMBER. The Green Edge data set (in large part, data from the cruise) will be built on the model of the Malina project data set and linked to the French national CYBER data base, with the assistance of a data base manager. The structure of the database will be defined before the Green Edge cruise. Metadata will be entered immediately following the cruise. Our objective is to have a final data set ready in the fall of 2016.
Results will be disseminated through publications in peer-reviewed journals. Some of the papers will be published in a special journal issue.