A communication project, consisting of a 52-minute television documentary, 12 educational web videos/modules and blogs, is being developed in collaboration with creative professionals: Parafilms, Kgnfu, Criterium, and Eclats de lumiere. The project is being led by Julie Sansoulet.
Download visual documents: logos and slide templates.
Documentary film Arctic Bloom :
The team is working on a documentary movie entitled ARCTIC BLOOM. This film will document the GREEN EDGE 2015 & 2016 ice camps near Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunuvut as well as the 2016 oceanographic campaign abord the CCGS Amundsen. In addition to presenting the work of the scientific team, the film will showcase the adventure of these missions and the integration of the research group in the Inuit community. We invite you to get a taste of the excitement by watching the trailer:
educational website :
The first six web videos are available on line. Six other videos are presently in production. Each web video is associated with an educational module, developed by a team of secondary school teachers. The videos are geared to 11 to 15 year-old students. The 12 educational modules deal with the following topics:
1- General information about the AO
2- Impacts of climate change on the AO
3- Arctic Marine Ecosystems
4- Spring phytoplankton bloom
5- Biological pump
6- Observing the oceans using satellites
7- How to go back in time to study Arctic ecosystems
8- Ocean circulation
9- Exploring the AO with new in-situ technologies
10- Mathematical ocean models
11- Hunting, fishing and diet of Inuit living near the ice-edge
12- DMS (Dimethyl sulfide)
Ice camp blog 2015 and 2016:
The 2015 and 2016 Green Edge field campaigns were operated from an icecamp on landfast ice near Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut. The camp was set up in mid-March in 2015 or late-April in 2016, and snow, ice and water column processes were continuously monitored until ice melt in late June - early July. Scientists and partners documented the following blogs.
Ice camp 2015
Ice camp and Ice-breaker 2016
Funding comes from the NSERC PromoScience program, the CERC in Remote Sensing of Canada's New Arctic Frontier, Airbus Foundation, Total Foundation, CNRS Images.