Green Edge


The field operations took place aboard NGCC Amundsen. These activities spanned the period between June 3 and July 14, 2016. They were coordinated by Flavienne Bruyant and 52 GreenEdge researchers went on the ice-breaker.

The campaign consisted of two parts:

The first leg (Leg1A) started on June 3 in Québec City and ended on June 23 in Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut, for a total of 21 days.
We transected perpendicularly across the MIZ from open water to sea ice and back again as many times as possible. For each transect we had a Full Station in open waters (C), a Full station in the MIZ (B) and an ICE station (A) (ICE station corresponding to a Full station without any trawling operations) at the very minimum. Stations were spaced 6 nautical miles from each other in order to achieve a high spacial resolution. Between each full station, we sampled a succession of less detailed stations measuring only core parameters and some optics.

The second one (Leg 1B) started on June 23 in Qikiqtarjuaq and ended in Iqaluit on July 14 for a total of 21 days. During this part of the cruise, we transected across the Marginal Ice Zone from solid sea ice to open waters as many times as possible and follow the same pattern as during Leg 1A. A larger emphasis was given to sampling on the ice with lots of ice-cores taken for analysis. The Amundsen science crew also deployed autonomous platforms (gliders and bio-Argo floats) and conducted detailed measurements of processes in the water-column.


The Green Edge Ice-breaker operations
Bathymetric data compiled from the CCGS Amundsen's high resolution (10-m grid) 
multibeam (Gabriel Joyal and Patrick Lajeunesse) 
and International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO)

Sampling activities and key figures

  • 36 days of operation
  • 33 sampling days
  • 7 transects
  • 158 Stations sampled


Operations in images

Selection of instruments:

Selection of scientists:

Selection of landscapes: